These are the cutest little bunnies ever!  

First of all, you need to know that Hotot is pronounced  "hoe-toe."  Another name  is "Eyes of the Fancy."  Just like their name says, they are dwarf-sized.  They are not supposed to weigh more than 3 pounds, and the ideal weight is 2.5 pounds.  They have compact, stocky bodies, with round heads and dark, bright eyes.  They look like they are wearing eye-liner, but that is actually a ring of black fur.  The rest of their fur is soft and thick and fine and white all over.

These cute little bunnies are affectionate, playful, and good with children.  Since they are small, they don't need as much space to live in as some types of rabbits do.

in short they are the first choise of "white" lovers :)

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